Is it just me..............

or is anybody else feeling a little sorry for Sanjaya, even though I NEVER wanted him to win? In fact, he was the one that made me want to jump out of my chair and scream..."What are you people thinking?????????????"

or is the lady that called into our local radio station nuts or am I wrong for wondering why she thinks that it is up to her decide what songs are played and what songs aren't? I mean, seriously! This morning I was driving along listening to Chris Daughtry's version of "Rocketman" -which I love- and as soon as the song was over, this ignorant woman calls in and says..."Don't EVER play that song again! It is terrible! No one should mess with Elton John........" This left me wondering who appointed her gatekeeper of all songs being broadcast out on the airways....................

or is it really odd that the Fed Ex delivery guy brought me a package to work today that was to be delivered to my home.....and that it was originally on another truck and when the driver asked him where that road was he says "Give it to me... I will just take it to her work..." Yet, I have NO idea who he is.......or what his name is.


The Sour Kraut said…
I had stopped by a friends house once and the mailman pulled over in his truck to tell me she wasn't home. That she and her friend had my son and their own on the bike path and were headed to school.

Those delivery people know more than we think!

I DO NOT feel sorry for Sonjaya now that he's voted off. I felt sorry for him being kept on as a joke. Have some pride already.
The Sour Kraut said…
BTW, Love the new look!
Cathy said…
Hi there.. first time visitor here. Great blog!

I feel sorry for Sanjaya too, although I wanted him gone, lol. I think my sorrow comes in due to him only being 17 and that had to be hard for him to take.. he's still just a kid.

The Fed Ex man knowing where you work is just freaky to me, you must get a lot of packages! Regardless, unless I had a friend that worked there, that would give me a severe case of the heebie jeebies, lol.

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