I am no Pioneer Woman, but.....
Let me clarify. I know that when I say that I have "scalded myself", I have obviously burnt myself with a hot liquid....but I didn't know what "scald" meant in the baking sense of the word.
Since I find it hard to sit still, I went ahead and started getting the other ingredients ready to be added at their appropriate times.
I was feeling very domestic as I was watching Ellen DeGeneres and MAKING CINNAMON ROLLS...... until Ellen said something funny and I looked up and lost count of how many cups of flour I had already added to the bowl.
Oh. Yes. I. Did.I actually had to get another bowl and recount the cups as I dipped the flour back out of one bowl and put them in another.
Yes, I had added one cup too many.
This, right here, is why I don't bake: A.D.D.
And it did. Rise, that is.
I then floured my counter top and separated the dough in half and started rolling. It became apparent that I hadn't quite allowed enough room and had to pinch off pieces of the dough and reposition them on the other end before flattening it with the rolling pin.
It was a very scientific process.
Here is where I feel the need to say that if you are on a diet, these rolls are not for you. That is due in part to the cup of melted butter that I then poured on the top of the dough before covering it with sugar and cinnamon.
When I started rolling the dough with my hands I realized, with my limited baking knowledge, that I probably should have put a little more flour in the dough. It was sticky and not wanting to let go of the counter.
I noticed that some of the "toppings" were oozing off the dough and rolling down the front of my cabinets and, ultimately, ending up down on my floor.
Being labeled as a "clean freak" (which I am not), I found myself wanting to clean this up immediately. With my tongue.
I added more flour to the other half of the dough which resulted in half of them looking very cinnamon roll-ish and half of them looking very cinnamon glob-ish.
Exhibit A: Cinnamon rolls
Exhibit B: Cinnamon globs
The recipe made SEVEN pans of cinnamon rolls/globs.
I put them in the oven and began making the icing. I have to say when a recipe starts out with one (whole) bag of powdered sugar, you simply can't go wrong.
Mr. B, who had wanted to get in on the action the whole time, helped by mixing the icing ingredients together until they were just right. Or he was done. Whatever came first.
I waited anxiously to see how they turned out.....and I was surprised to see this:
I mean, they actually resemble CINNAMON ROLLS. Who would have thought it?
They tasted good too. Or at least I thought so. Even the cinnamon "globs". I think the fact that Steven is now working on finishing off his second pan indicates that he does too.
He had better enjoy them because we gave the other five pans away lest I end up on next season's "The Biggest Loser". Not that I don't have self control or anything. I mean, I could totally stop eating them if I wanted to.
If you didn't get one of the five pans I gave away, and you want your own, click here for the recipe. And, trust me, if I can do it, anyone can.
You have inspired me, so I am printing the recipe now.
Hmmm...we'll see how this goes!