My brain hurts.......
Today I was bored. Extremely bored. Last night my husband was talking about "the smartest person in the world". At least that is what this guy has been dubbed. Apparently this individual has a 200 IQ, could talk at 6 months old, read at 3 years and when he entered school they started him in the 4th grade.
This got me thinking back to the last time I was bored at work, and Princess told me about a free IQ test. I took it, and I wasn't sure if I even remembered my score right, or where my score fell in the IQ realm. So today, in all my boredom, I took another IQ test. WOW! I haven't worked my brain that much in years. Can you burn calories just by thinking hard? If so, I have had quite a work out. I exercised parts of my brain that have laid dormant for years. It was kinda fun. I would recommend it..... if you had nothing else to do.
This got me thinking back to the last time I was bored at work, and Princess told me about a free IQ test. I took it, and I wasn't sure if I even remembered my score right, or where my score fell in the IQ realm. So today, in all my boredom, I took another IQ test. WOW! I haven't worked my brain that much in years. Can you burn calories just by thinking hard? If so, I have had quite a work out. I exercised parts of my brain that have laid dormant for years. It was kinda fun. I would recommend it..... if you had nothing else to do.
I'll take this one and let you know my score but I need the URL so I can take the test.
I, too, have wondered about the accuracy. The one I took today didn't ask for any money, it automaticallly gave a more extended report than the others I had taken.
Apparently I am not the only one who has been extremely bored before.....